The Benefits Honey for the Health - Honey is natural sweetener that is special. Although it contains high levels of sugar, but honey has positive benefits for health. Honey is not good for the body when consumed, but also very beneficial to the skin.
What are the benefits? let us consider:
Relieves cough
Honey can be a lifesaver in winter. Based on health studies in children and adolescents, it is superior honey to relieve symptoms of cough and improve the quality of children's sleep. The study compared the effect of honey against honey-flavored cough suppressant dextrometropan the 100 children who have the flu. No wonder the WHO also incorporate honey into a sweet liquid that can protect the throat and reduce irritation.
Treating wound
Honey has long had reputation as a healer. it is found in the record off the year 2000-2001 BC in the Sumerian mention honey as a function of drug and ointment. In New Zealand there is Manuka honey from bees that pollinate naturally manuka bush. Usefulness good enough for patients with wound and ulcers scratched. In addition to antibacterial content, honey is also shooting.
Overcoming dandruff
Benefits of honey for beauty has long been known. One is to overcome stubborn dandruff and itchy, especially due to the fungus. Way too easy, simply apply a mixture of honey on the scalp every day for several weeks. Itching and sores on the scalp can be cured
Improving the energy
There is a misconception that carbohydrates are not good for the body. Indeed, every healthy foods including fruits, vegetables and nuts contain karbihidrat. After all, the digestive system require glucose which sends energy to the cells, tissues, and organs
Topical Antibiotics
Research shows some skin diseases, such as burns, scratches, surgery until the stitches, give a response to the "honey therapy" is applied to the wound. Natural content of honey is hydrogen peroxide produced from an enzyme that bees allegedly works as a natural antibiotic that has the power to heal
Reducing itching
Potent anti-inflammatory in honey is proven to help reduce the itching and irritation caused by mosquito bites
Enhance immune
Honey is rich in polyphenols, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage, which can lead to cancer and heart disease
Relieves indigestion
In a 2006 study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the researchers conclude that replacing sugar with honey in processed foods will increase the microflora in the gut. But the new study conducted on laboratory rats
Treating Acne
According to preliminary research, Manuka and Kanuka honey types effectively treat acne vulgaris, the skin disorder caused by inflammation and infection of the pilosebaceous follicles on the face, back, or chest
Honey has humectant qualities as so often used as a moisturizer in many types of cosmetics. Honey not only bind water but also to maintain healthy skin from the inside, so it remains supple and elastic, while also protecting the skin from wrinkles and dryness
Honey has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that provide healing properties. This trait helps prevent the growth of certain bacteria by producing the enzyme-hydrogen peroxide so that the honey can be used as a natural treatment to accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions
Curing Eczema
Types such as Manuka honey can cure diseases such as eczema. Honey can heal damaged skin and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells as an important element in curing eczema and other forms of dermatitis
Prevent infection
A skin infection caused by the ringworm (roundworms) can also be treated by using Manuka honey. The term ringworm (ringworm) refers to fungal infections that are on the surface of the skin
Honey is always famous for its natural antioxidant properties which play an important role in protecting the skin damage caused by ultraviolet light. Often exposed to sunlight causes skin damage, premature aging and even skin cancer. Honey can be used sunscreen to protect skin from the sun
Honey can fight infection under the skin caused by a blockage in the pores and draw out impurities. Honey also has active properties that can penetrate the follicle and kill the bacteria that cause acne and infections
Skin conditioning
Mix one teaspoon honey with one teaspoon of vegetable oil and a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice. It is a mixture of a natural conditioner. To use it you can menggosokannya to every part of your body dry. Let stand for 10 minutes and then rinse
Protection lips
Honey can be used to overcome the problem of chapped lips and wrinkles, thus making it smoother and softer
Honey can be used to remove dead skin cells on the outermost surface of the skin. The trick, you can mix one tablespoon of almonds with honey, two tablespoons of dry oatmeal and one teaspoon of lemon juice. After that, gently massage this mixture on the face for 5 minutes and then rinse with water
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