5 Types Of Food To Tame The Hunger - Diets often fail because of hunger? You're not alone. There are many people who have problems with weight because of hunger that can not be controlled. Uncontrollable hunger can lead to weight gain and continues to more serious problems such as obesity.
But not to worry. Researchers have identified a substance in food that can help you feel full longer and banish hunger. Here are 5 Types Of Food To Tame The Hunger, as reported by App for Health (06/01).
Berries do contain many health benefits. However raspberry has its own benefits, which can prevent hunger. One cup of red raspberries contains 80 calories and nine grams of fiber. In fact, raspberry is the most foods contain lots of fiber than any other berry fruit. Fibers contained in this raspberry will make you feel full longer.
In addition, raspberries also contain a lot of vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. In addition, a study has revealed that raspberries contain more nutrients that can prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases.
Seaweed is not the only food that is the trend, but it does contain health benefits. Seaweed can help you lose weight and control appetite. Seaweed contains protein and fiber that helps control blood sugar and control hunger. Not only that, the fiber in it is also good for digestion and make you feel full longer.
Moreover, researchers from Japan have found that the pigment in the seaweed contains a substance called fucoxanthin that can help you lose weight. A study at Hokkaido University in Japan found that rats fed seaweed experienced a weight loss of 10 percent faster. Fucoxanthin also trigger the production of proteins that help burn fat.
Pistachios and other nuts can help control weight and prevent hunger. This is because the beans will help you to feel full longer and calories in it is not fully absorbed by the body.
A study of Eastern Illinois University revealed that people who ate pistachios consumed 41 percent less calories than people who eat other foods. Eating pistachio nuts will help you feel full longer, not easy to hunger, and weight loss.
Whole Grains
Whole grains such as soybeans, beans, peas, and others can help you tame your hunger. This is because the grains contain fiber, starch, and protein are digested more slowly. By doing so, you will quickly feel hungry and full longer.
A study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics found that people who are overweight are eating grains lose 10 pounds of body weight for 16 weeks and have healthier cholesterol levels.
Eggs are another food that is good for the fight against hunger. A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate eggs for breakfast consume fewer calories throughout the day. Other studies also showed that egg breakfast will help you control your hunger for 24 hours.
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