Potassium, One Of The Most Important Minerals For The Body - Potassium is one kind of important minerals needed by the body than calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, and sulfur. Potassium is often disregarded and ignored by many people. Most people are more focused on meeting the vitamins and nutrients the body, but are often ignorant of the mineral. Though potassium containing many benefits to the body.
Potassium is known to reduce the risk of death by 20 percent due to various reasons. In addition, potassium also prevent stroke, blood pressure, and decrease the likelihood of developing kidney stones, Health Me Up (23/12).
The most important function of potassium is to form and move the muscles, improve the performance of the kidneys to filter the blood, regulate electrical activity of the heart, to control the amount of body fluid, and maintain a constant body cells function normally.
Potassium is not able to cure the disease, but the consumption of potassium in large amounts can protect the heart from many diseases. Potassium helps control blood pressure in hypertensive patients. In addition, potassium also helps keep the heart rate remains stable.
There are many foods that contain potassium such as potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, strawberries, avocado, spinach, beans, and peas, and dried fruit. Other foods are also rich in potassium are dairy products, whole grains, meat, and fish.
For adults recommendation is 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily. After learning a great benefit to the body potassium minerals no longer ignore this and you begin to meet the needs of potassium current.
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