5 Ways To Help People Who Choking - Choking is not a trivial issue, although common in adults and not in children. Choking is when a foreign object into the respiratory tract that makes people difficult to breathe. This is actually a state of emergency which, if not promptly treated can be dangerous.
Some of us probably never see adults who choke to choke. But not many people know how to correct handling to help adults who are choking. When the choke, the supply of oxygen to the brain decreases and must be done first aid. So, how to help people who are choking? Here are 5 Ways To Help People Who Choking, as reported by Health Site:
First, you should know the signs when someone is choking. Choking person will direct his hand to hold the throat or neck. It is a common sign for choking person. Other symptoms are difficulty breathing, can not speak, skin and lips turn blue, and fainting.
If the signs are visible on one person, do get some first aid as follows:
1. Forced to cough
First calm the person and help him to cough. Forcing cough can remove objects that clog the throat through the mouth. If this does not work, proceed to the second way.
2. Hitting back
Stand behind the person. Then hold his chest with one hand and make them slightly bent forward. Then at the back between the shoulder bone back. Repeat up to five times and check his mouth. If this still does not work, try a third way.
3. 'Puncture' in the stomach
To do this, in a state grasping hand and an outstretched thumb piece forward. Later, the thumb is used to press the upper abdomen (such as massage). Try to give pressure to the inside and to the top of the stomach. This was done to incorporate air into the lungs and helps foreign objects out. Try to do this for five times.
4. Repeat steps two and three
If the third step does not work, try the second and third three times. Meanwhile, since the beginning should immediately phone the ambulance.
5. CPR
If the person who choked unconscious, trying to do CPR by pressing the victim's chest with his hands. If the person is unconscious, the array immediately to the hospital.
Choking can be one scary experience, not only for those who choke but also those around him. Learn first aid at the top, so you know what to do when there are people around you who experience it.
That is article about 5 Ways To Help People Who Choking. Hopefully useful and don't forget to follow me on Google+ so that the latest health articles can instantly appear on your homepage.
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