6 Health Problems If Consumed Pork - In addition to beef and chicken, pork became one kind of meat is often consumed. Because in addition to having a delicious flavor, pork meat has a unique texture.
But pork can be vulnerable to contamination of bacteria and viruses that occur during the slaughterhouses and sales. This is likely a potentially bad for the health of your body. Here are six health problems if consumed pork you must know as reported from healthmeup.com.
Pork including the type of meat that is difficult to digest. Even one serving of lean pork takes 6 hours to digest. If this is allowed to continue, it is able to cause digestive problems.
Pigs digest their food within 4 hours so that most of the toxins that should be released in the body is stored in their fat tissue. Pigs also do not have sweat glands and mean pigs do not have a channel to remove toxins from the body.
The content type is very high in saturated fat pig. This type of fat they can even react with fructose or alcohol can cause liver disease. Pigs carry a number of parasites in their bodies. This parasite is difficult even to death when pork is cooked. These parasites were killed and not be able to enter your body.
Trichinellosis is a serious disease caused by parasitic worms that you consume is found in pig muscle. Trichinellosis is able to cause nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, muscle pain, heart problems, and digestive problems.
Pork also carry parasites and viruses such as hepatitis E virus, tapeworm Taenia solium, PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome), Nipah virus, and Menangle virus capable of causing serious health problems.
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