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Beware Of 4 Food Shorten The Life!

Beware Of 4 Food Shorten The Life! - Everyone would like to have a healthy body and away from any disease. However, to make that happen, you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining diet and exercising regularly.

Some foods can decide your chances of living longer with ruffled components in your cells called telomeres. Telomeres at the end of your chromosomes and is the key to protect DNA from damage.

Experts analogize telomeres as the protective plastic on the ends of shoelaces. According to the University of Utah Health Sciences, telomeres become shorter over time.

Shorter telomeres are often associated with conditions such as cancer and heart disease. Research also shows lifestyle factors including diet can speed up (or slow down) the shortening of telomeres.

Four of these foods can contribute to telomere shortening, as reported by Health.com. So it might be better to limit the consumption of these foods to be able to live longer and healthier.

Beware Of 4 Food Shorten The Life!

Soda contains a sweetener and it could have a negative impact on telomeres. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that the consumption of 20 ounces of soda every day will make the 4.6 years older. The study involved 5,309 adults.

Meanwhile, drinking 8 ounces of soda every day had a smaller impact. It will make you 1.9 years older. Other studies have also shown that drinking diet soda per day was associated with a 67 percent greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Processed meat

Beware Of 4 Food Shorten The Life!

A study conducted on 840 people found that those who consumed one or more servings of processed meat every week to have shorter telomeres than those who do not eat processed meat.

The study involved 840 people and has been published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. If you want longevity, limit your intake of processed meat, or if you can not eat it at all.

Red meat
Beware Of 4 Food Shorten The Life!

Red meat has long been associated with heart disease and cancer, and it can be associated with telomere shortening effect. In a study published in Clinical Nutrition, mice were fed a variety of foods made from beef or chicken for four weeks.

Consumption of red meat was associated with a decrease in telomere length in intestinal cells. Similar findings were shown in white meat, although red meat has a greater effect.

Foods that contain resistant starch - good carbs that help burn fat - can weaken the effect of red meat on telomeres. Foods rich in resistant starch, including bananas and lentils.

Beware Of 4 Food Shorten The Life!

As well as red meat, alcohol also got to have adverse effects on health. A study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2010 found that alcohol may accelerate telomere shortening.

The researchers observed serum DNA of individuals who abuse alcohol (22 percent drank four or more glasses of alcohol per day) and those with more moderate alcohol use. Shorter telomeres dramatically seen in those who drank more alcohol.

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